Special Events
Upcoming Special Events
Dan Mackey and Peri Papadopoulos competed in district seniors darts in Elora on February 8th, qualifying for provincials in singles and doubles, with Dan Mackey winning the singles title. Also Peri and Dan qualified for provincial doubles. Also, winning the district doubles championship. They will now compete in London on April 5th for the provincial championship! We are Proud of you!
We will have a Spring Ham/Turkey Raffle On Friday, April 11 @ 7pm. Please wear your good luck sneakers!
Nathan Handley wins the 2026 Membership draw with a free membership!
Meeting time change - Beginning in January, meetings will be held the 1st Tuesday of the month with the Executive meeting at 2:00 and the General meeting at 3:00. Please note the change of meeting dates and times:
January 7
February 4
March 4
April 1
TURKEY RAFFLE on Fri Dec 13 @ 7pm was a total success, despite the weather and a big Party in town, thanks all who came and supported us!
For the Ladies Auxiliary Bingo:
Who knew? There are a lot of benefits in playing bingo.
First and foremost, it can be FUN!
Good for the brain – It requires players to be alert, to concentrate and to pay attention to detail. For example, identifying numbers quickly and marking them accurately on multiple bingo cards exercises the brain, improving cognitive speed and accuracy. Studies have shown that playing bingo can slow cognitive decline as it involves pattern recognition and memory recall. Bingo requires focused attention which can enhance working memory capacity – crucial for everyday tasks and decision making.
playing bingo can be a stress reliever as it gives people a break from day-to-day worries and helps them relax. The excitement of playing and the chance of winning helps to improve people’s moods. In other words, playing bingo makes you happy.
Social interaction – you meet old friends, make new ones and catch up on events in the community. This also improves mental health. It reduces feelings of isolation. It is especially good to play during the winter months when the sunshine isn’t as effective to your physical and mental well-being as the summer months.
Playing bingo can help establish a routine, also a mental benefit;
Your playing bingo contributes to the Women’s Auxiliary program of providing funds for special groups and activities.
And, you might win!
The Ladie’s Auxiliary hosts winter bingo on Monday at the Tobermory Community Centre starting at 1 p.m. Come a bit earlier to get your cards. It usually lasts a couple of hours, and there are snacks and coffee provided by donation. You can play for as little as a couple of dollars. We hope you will join in the fun.